We are deeply grateful to the talented photographers and creators who have generously shared their work, allowing us to enhance our website and customer portal with stunning visuals and engaging content.

Below, you'll find a detailed list of all the photos, videos, and vector graphics used across our pages, along with proper attributions to the original sources.

These visuals not only bring life to our content but also celebrate the creativity and dedication of artists worldwide. Thank you for enriching our platform with your exceptional work.



Hero Section:

Solution Section:

Metrics Section:

State of Nature Section:

Biodiversity Monitoring Section:

Advanced Insect Monitoring Sensor Section (video)

Sustainability Regulations & Standards Section:

Insects as Proxy Section:

Guardians of our Ecosystem Section:

Contact Form:

Blogpost: “Biodiversity: The Backbone of Ecosystem Services:

Blogpost: “What does CSR Mean? And Why it Matter:

Customer portal: